Born Free (1966)

Born Free (1966)

Release Date : Apr. 20, 1966 | Rating ★★★★★★★
Details : At a national park in Kenya English game warden George Adamson and his wife Joy care for three orphaned lion cubs. After the two larger lions are shipped off to a zoo in the Netherlands the smallest of the three Elsa stays with the couple. When Elsa is blamed for causing an elephant stampede in the nearby village head warden John Kendall demands the young lion either be trained to survive in the wilds of the Serengeti or be sent to a zoo.
Duration : 1 Hour 35 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Virginia McKenna as Joy Adamson

Bill Travers as George Adamson | Geoffrey Keen as Kendall | Peter Lukoye as Nuru | Omar Chambati as Makkede | Bill Godden as Sam | Robert S. Young as James | Bryan Epsom as Baker | Geoffrey Best as Watson | Robert Cheetham as Ken | Producer  : Paul B. Radin | Producer  : Sam Jaffe |